More dumps!

Published on 13 Sep 2024

So we got more H8/3294 Drive Controller ROM dumps, 3 more of them from different kinds of development drives, for posterity, courtesy of Willis, GamingLegend64 and Zoinkity! Specifically:

We don’t really get the differences that much, but they seem to have a different purpose in mind maybe? It’s hard to say.

And then, something a little Rare: 2 new Blue Disk dumps, also courtesy of GamingLegend64 and Willis!

Now, I don’t wanna hype them too much, because none of these are playable, but they are a look into how Rareware actually used the 64DD back then, with crash dumps of Banjo-Kazooie. It seems Rareware was a fan of the 64DD purely for debugging purposes, if it wasn’t for games, it was at least for that. Unfortunately I’m no expert of Banjo-Kazooie code, and would rather leave the reverse engineering to people who knows the game in and out.

It’s not as hype than you would hope, but I hope they might uncover something interesting. I’ve also taken the liberty to directly offer extracted files from them alongside the dumps.

You can find everything in the Games page, in the Development tab.